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ジュエリーグランプリ結果発表! Jewellery Grand Prix result announcement
We appreciate for all entries and it’s our pleasure to exhibit total 152 creations from 9 countries from 1st Jun to 30th November. The total number of votes is 4,812 and it show that art is universe and beyond cultural boundaries.
Thanks to all creations, entrants and supporters, voters, we’re happy to connect our hometown-Ise Shima-the birthplace of cultured pearls and the world.
The committee of The Grand Prix of Akoya Pearl Jewellery in Ise Shima
First of 1st award! Ms. Lihua Quan Coco(China) living in Singapore!
第1位 1st Prize
作品名 Title:海の歌 Song of the Sea
製作者 Name:リファ―クワン・ココ Lihua Quan Coco
国籍 Country:中国 China
‐ ツバメのように輝く夜空を飛び、夜が明ければ美しい浜辺に降り立ちたい。船乗り達の話をあなたに聞かせ、我々の出会った白い埠頭に、貴女に会いにいきたい。愛をこめて、輝く真珠を身につけて。それは私の「海の歌」‐
The handcrafted pendant is about a sailor’s love and hope.The pendant was built on a compass structure with four shinny diamonds. The elements chosen are symbols of sea-“Swallow”presents hope and love towards family as the bird never traveled far out to sea and historically sailors believe swallow can guide them to home and protect their soul.Different sizes of Pure fresh water pearls present starry sky and the moon and also show the beauty of the nature. I want the pendant to remind love and hope to the person who wears it.
“I wish I could fly like a swallow to the starry sky in the moonlight and land on a shining beach at sunrise. I wish I could tell you a sailors tale and return to you at the white dock we met with shining pearls full of love just like my song of the sea.”
第2位 2nd Prize
製作者 Name:勝又 美穂 Miho Katsumata
国籍 Country:日本(三重県)Japan Mie Pref.
作品について:【この神風の伊勢の国は 常世の浪 重浪の帰せる国なり/日本書記より】 永遠に途切れることなく打ち寄せる波が、朝日を浴び金色に輝きます。伊勢志摩の豊かで穏やかな自然は、物質的・精神的豊かさを、私たちに与えてくれています。
“Ise -the place of god, Any wave, big or small, this is the place where waves come back. – From Chronicles of Japan”
The waves which will not stop shine like gold in the morning sun. Ise Shima’s rich and calm nature gives us material and spiritual richness.
入賞 3rd Prize
作品名 Title:あこや貝に輝く一粒の真珠
製作者 Name:田中 清明 Seimei Tanaka
国籍 Country:日本(鹿児島県) Japan Kagosima Pref.
作品について:本作品のベースは夜光貝をハンドクラフトで加工、研磨したもの。真珠はセ ラミック核を用い、あこや貝により伊勢志摩で養殖された真珠を使用した作品。ベースとなる夜光貝のデザインはあこや貝を模っており、あしらった真珠は輝きを増して成長していく様子を、また夜光貝に刻まれた波模様はあこや貝を育てる伊勢志摩の海を表している。
This work is made of Turbo marmoratus by handcraft, also used akoya pearl with a ceramic nucleus, cultured in Ise Shima.
This is Akoya oyster and Akoya pearl inside which is growing up with the waves of the sea in Ise Shima.
入賞 3rd Prize
作品名 Title:The Harvest Ise Shima/伊勢志摩の収穫
製作者 Name:アーネスト・ヨウ・チーヨン Ernest,Yeo Chee Yoong
国籍 Country:シンガポール Singapore
I was inspired by the beautiful peninsula of Ise Shima. The multiple islands, coasts and rivers intertwined together forms a beautiful patchwork of nature.I want to showcase my appreciation and my interpretation of the bountiful harvest from the surrounding seas and beautiful pearls cultivated there,into a ring design. The two ring bands that intersects each other represents the seas and rivers flows in-between little islands.These islands are represented by marquis-shaped stones and the long tear- drop shaped deep green tourmaline gem .On the side, a South Sea pearl flows in to meet with three small Akoya pearls,representing the cultural and economical exchanges and differences that are happening now in the age of technological advancements.A contrast of the turbulent versus serene.
入賞 3rd Prize
作品名 Title:この花々を思い出の中の君と The memory with you in flowers
製作者 Name:羽木 歩 Ayumi Hagi
国籍 Country:日本(三重県)Japan Mie Pref.
Akoya pearl, freshwater pearl and amethyst and rose quartz with wire work technique. Expressing flowers that are blooming in the spring of Shima with different shapes, color pearls and different flower . Created while thinking about the scenery I wished to see with my friends and my father who loved flowers.
- 2024.08.16
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真珠の評価のポイント - 2024.06.22
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伊勢志摩パールジュエリーグランプリ本日より開催です - 2024.05.18
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